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Full Speed Ahead Blog

What is a Writing Coach

What exactly is a writing coach you may ask? A writing coach provides easy and proven strategies to help authors overcome writer’s block, fine tune their manuscript and provide support to their clients. They help bring discipline into the writers life when sometimes things get a little chaotic. Other ways a coach might help a new author is they can give them valuable insights into the writing market and show them what sells and what doesn’t. They can offer advice on a particular manuscript by giving their input about ways to improve it. A writing coach has so many more things to offer. From hands on advice to training videos, a writing coach can help an author succeed in the writing industry. Enroll into my 3 step video training series, Full Speed Ahead. It presents ways for authors to go from A- Improving their writing skills to Z- Marketing their finished book.

Tracy Kauffman -
Writer, Writing Coach & Author

I'm an author of fiction books for kids and young adults.  I have experience in content writing, marketing and publishing.

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Writing A-Z

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